Maastricht Aging Study

on the determinants of adult cognitive development


The Pink Book (1995) included an introduction to the rationale and methods used in the Maastricht Aging Study. The first three chapters are available for download.


This data diagram provides an overview of all tests and questionnaires that were administered at any time point during the data collection of MAAS (latest version: 7-3-2019, which includes the assessments for the ongoing AxF5 follow-up assessment after 25 years (2019-2021)).

Zip-archive that contains basic demographical information (age, age category, sex, educational level) of all 1,869 participants at the baseline screening -- in Excel ".xclx" and SPSS/PASW ".sav" format.

© 2023  The Maastricht Aging Study - MAAS

MAAS  is a longitudinal study into

the determinants of cognitive aging since 1991.

A 25 year follow-up was completed in 2023.